Adult Care Homes Minimum Data Set (MDS) Information

For coding questions and upcoming education contact Lori Mouak, RN, State RAI/QI Coordinator at 316-337-6419.

Validation Reports and Transmission: MS 785-228-6770

Vendor Questions

What MDS is required in Kansas?
Does Kansas use RUG III or RUG IV for calculation?
If it is RUG III, will it be version 5.01 or 5.12?
What are the required questions for Section S in Kansas?
Are there any customized answers for Kansas' submitted MDS?
What MDS form is used for quarterly assessments?

RAI Education Workshops

The Basics - MDS 3.0, CAA, Care Planning

The class is for New MDS Coordinators and other staff who have limited knowledge of MDS 3.0. Updates are incorporated into the presentations.

The RAI manual can be found at Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) Manual.

Attendees will benefit most from the webinars if they read Chapters 2, 3, and 4 before participation.

To enroll in these webinar training sessions, please register below for the appropriate webinar. For questions regarding the webinar sessions, contact Lori Mouak. Each webinar session is limited to 25 registrants.

January 12, 2015

January 14, 2015

January 19, 2015

January 21, 2015


January 28, 2015

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Links


MDS 3.0 Resource Information

Community Transition Opportunities (CTO)

Resource Documents