Census Management Initiative

On occasion, Larned State Hospital (LSH) or Osawatomie State Hospital (OSH) reach critical census levels and must divert patients to other services. During these occasions, persons in mental health crisis who are awaiting admission to a state mental health hospital (SMHH) are in critical need of inpatient psychiatric treatment. Over the years, the State has provided for needed inpatient psychiatric treatment for uninsured adults through agreements with two Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs), COMCARE, which sub-contracted with Via Christi Hospital, and Prairie View, which operates its psychiatric hospital.

Since September 2007, Via Christi Hospital has provided:

  1. Inpatient psychiatric services to adults who COMCARE and other CMHCs had screened and determined to need state hospitalization, but OSH was at critical census levels and diverting patients to other services,
  2. Inpatient psychiatric treatment to adults in mental health crisis who are waiting to be screened for admission to an SMHH and need a safe, secure place before being transported to the SMHH, and
  3. Brief involuntary inpatient psychiatric treatment when transportation to an SMHH would be burdensome on the individual and their family and friends.

Since July 2010, Prairie View Hospital has provided inpatient services to adults who Prairie View (CMHC) and other CMHCs have screened and determined to need state hospitalization. Still, LSH was at critical census levels and diverting patients to other services.

The target populations of this initiative are:

  • Adults, age of 18 and over;
  • Who have been or are screened to determine if SMHH hospitalization is needed
  • Who lack health insurance that covers treatment