WellSky Human Services (Kansas Substance Use Reporting System)

Technical Support for KSURS or WellSky Human Services

Technical Support

WellSky Human Services - History

All Kansas substance use treatment providers who accept public funding have been required since 2019 to collect and submit TEDS data to the Kansas Substance Use Reporting Solution (KSURS). Providers currently have two options to submit data to KSURS:

  1. Manually enter treatment information through the online application; or
  2. Submit a bulk load data set in a file format provided and validated by the State.

KSURS was designed as a temporary solution while the State explored other options. WellSky was selected by KDADS to provide and manage our new solution for SUD data collection for state and federal reporting. This application is called Wellsky Human Services (WHS). WHS deployed to production on October 2nd, 2023.

Migration from KSURS to WellSky Human Services

Note: This information is for users that manually data enter information into KSURS. If all of your data is submitted via the Bulk Upload tool in KSURS, you will continue using that process to submit your SUD data in KSURS until further notice.

For Users Who Manually Data Enter into KSURS

You should receive a WHS registration packet soon that contains the documents required to access WHS, the application replacing KSURS. The guidelines below are to provide an overview of the registration process. Refer to your registration packet for detailed instructions.

Complete Your Registration Packet:

  1. Obtain the registration packet from your organization’s liaison (ask your supervisor if you don’t know who your liaison is).
  2. Complete the forms in the registration packet.
  3. Return your completed registration packet to your liaison.
  4. Packets will be sent to KDADS.
  5. KDADS will process the registration packets and create your WellSky Human Services account.
  6. Your WellSky login name will be sent to you via the email address you provided in the packet. Your organization’s liaison will provide the start-up with a temporary password.

Once you have received your WellSky Human Services login information, you can begin using WellSky for manual data entry of SUD data.

General KSURS Data Entry Guidelines During the Transition to WellSky Human Services

  • You will have approximately 60 days from when WellSky registration packets become available to complete your packet and return it to your organization’s liaison.
  • During those 60 days, you can continue to enter your SUD treatment episode data into KSURS. However, once you have received your WellSky login information, you should transition to entering your new clients and new treatment episodes into WHS.
  • After the 60-day registration window is complete, you can (and should) continue to data enter treatment episodes discharges into KSURS. However, you will no longer be able to data enter new clients or new treatment episodes into KSURS. They must be entered into WHS.
  • Approximately 90 days later, manual entry of discharge data will also be disabled. This means all manual data entry of SUD clients and treatment episodes (admissions and discharges) must all be done through WHS.

We will update this page again when we have a confirmed date that new client/new treatment episode data entry will be discontinued in KSURS and when all manual data entry will be disabled in KSURS.

If you have any questions about WHS or the transition from KSURS to WHS, you may email KDADS.WellskyUserRegistry@ks.gov

Workflow guides for those keying in data are below.

A link to a training video (approximately 3 hours long) can also be requested by sending an email to the Technical Support email address above.

WellSky Workflow Documents

SUD Data Submission Via KSURS

In October 2018, the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) determined that the Kansas Client Placement Criteria (KCPC) system could no longer be supported by the State and ended the transmission of client records. In addition to the assessment and authorization of services, a critical function of the KCPC was the collection of admission and discharge data for SAMHSA’s Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) and National Outcome Measures (NOMs). This data submission is necessary for Kansas to continue receiving federal funding for substance use disorder treatment.

While the State continues to explore a range of options to replace the KCPC system, all Kansas substance use treatment providers who accept public funding will be required to collect and submit TEDS data to the new Kansas Substance Use Reporting Solution (KSURS). Providers will have two options to submit data to KSURS: 1) manually enter treatment information through an online application or 2) submit a bulk load in a file format provided and validated by the State.

Kansas Substance Use Reporting Solution (KSURS)

All Kansas substance use treatment providers who accept public funding have been required since 2019 to collect and submit TEDS data to the Kansas Substance Use Reporting Solution (KSURS). Providers currently have two options to submit data to KSURS: 1) manually enter treatment information through the online application, or 2) submit a bulk load data set in a file format provided and validated by the State.

KSURS was designed as a temporary solution while the State explored other options. WellSky was selected by KDADS to provide and manage our new solution for SUD data collection for state and federal reporting.

This new application has been in development and, at this writing, is expected to deploy October 2nd, 2023. At that time, all new admission episodes must be entered into the new WellSky Human Services application for all providers who key in their data. Associated discharges will still be allowed and encouraged in KSURS for 90 days from the WellSky deployment date. Providers who bulk upload their data will be allowed to use KSURS for up to a year from the WellSky deployment date, giving them time to enhance their electronic health record systems (EHRs) to match WellSky’s bulk upload requirements. You will receive instructions on how to register to use the new WellSky Human Services system. Those keying in data will have a different process from those bulk uploading their data. The instructions will be provided on this website when available.

The registration process and the bulk load specifications will be provided on this website when available.

Workflow guides for those keying in data are below.

Please email your questions to KDADS.TEDS@ks.gov.

Workflow Guides