PSH&TC - Services and Programs

Parsons State Hospital and Training Center has developed a specialty in treating persons with a dual diagnosis who also have a history of committing sexual offenses. It is one of only a few research-based treatment programs for individuals with disabilities in the United States.

There are approximately 30 individuals in treatment. Approximately 20 people are assessed each year on an outpatient basis. Assessments allow us to determine whether offenses are committed due to the individual’s disability and provide the supports and services necessary to reduce the likelihood of re-offending.

In addition to specialty services, campus staff provide medical, support and patients rights services to patients.

Sex Offender Treatment Program


Medical Services

Our medical department is comprised of a physician and two nurse practitioners (APRNs) who provide routine preventive, acute and emergency medical care for the individuals. Medical staff serves as an integral part of the interdisciplinary team and work closely with the individual and other team members.

After an individual is admitted, a complete physical examination, including laboratory, work is performed and thereafter annually. All medications being taken by the individual for general medical conditions are evaluated for their proper indication and dosages are adjusted as needed. If the individual is taking behavior modifying medications, consents are obtained at the time of admission from the parent/guardian and every effort is made to obtain a detailed medication and behavioral history. The goals of this procedure are to identify the current working psychiatric diagnosis, if one is available, to specify the target behaviors and symptoms for which the medications are prescribed, and to develop a treatment plan which utilizes the minimum effective dosage of medication.

Health issues or illnesses that arise daily are treated in the clinic located in the Medical Services Building by the physician/APRN. If necessary, they are referred to a specialist for further diagnosis and treatment. For the convenience of the individuals who reside at PSH, a podiatrist and dentist have scheduled clinics at the facility. Physician/APRNs keep in contact with the family regarding the medical conditions of the individuals directly and through social workers.

Assistive Technology
Audiology and Speech

Support Services

Chaplain Services
Food and Nutrition
Leisure Activities
Resident Employment and Career Development

Patient Rights Services

Human Rights Committee
Social Services