Department for Aging and Disability Services
Home MenuMental Health Intervention Team (MHIT)
The MHIT program is dedicated to improving each of its student's overall academic potential by providing comprehensive mental health services in schools.
How the Program Works
Connecting mental health providers (MHPs) to our schools
Under MHIT, school districts employ SCHOOL-BASED LIAISONS (SBLs), which identify students needing intense behavioral & and mental health services and link them to local service providers.
Customized school and behavioral health services
Each of MHIT's school districts is UNIQUE, and they CUSTOMIZE their program to fit the needs of their students, families, and community.
Prioritizing our students' mental health needs
This program is INNOVATIVE, PREVENTATIVE, and it improves the lives of our most precious resources... OUR CHILDREN!
What They're Saying
School administrators, teachers, and school staff tell us what they like most about the program:
- Students are seen by licensed therapists at school during the school day. It saves our families time and money and is less disruptive for our students.
- MHIT addresses behavioral challenges with our students, freeing up valuable time so our teachers can focus their time on teaching.
- It fosters strength in asking for help and gives hope to those needing support while healing from trauma.
- “Like most schools, we can use all the help they can get. Students respond to this program, and families are incredibly grateful for it. SBLs partner well with school social workers and counselors. They lessen their burdens by bringing in more help for our students.”
- “MHIT has saved lives; it’s easy to get choked up knowing how much this program has helped students and their families.”
Funding Structure
KDADS provides 100% or $50,000 of the SBL total salary and fringe benefits to the USD, of which the USD keeps 65% ($32,500) and contributes 35% ($17,500) of their local funds to complete the SBL’s salary. Then, the USD forwards 35% ($17,500) of KDADS funds to their partnering MHP(s).
*Using $50,000 as the SBL salary and benefits (for example only)
Accepting Applications:
USD Superintendents, Administrative Staff, Counselors, and Social Workers ...
KDADS has received $3 million in expansion funding available for MHIT USDs! We are currently accepting applications for programs wanting to start in January. This is an incredible opportunity to grow your program and expand your impact. For an example of our funding structure, see the information above.
How to Get in Touch
To find out more about the MHIT program and how it might help students in your schools, email our MHIT team at