Web Applications

General Information

These applications are limited to KDADS staff and contracted providers.

Oracle Web Applications

If you have changed organizations, you need to request a new account via the Security Agreement.

Software Requirements

Supported browsers are Microsoft Edge and Chrome.

.Net Web Applications

AIMSSystem Available

Software Requirements

  • Supported browser for AIMS is Microsoft Edge. Internet Explorer is no longer compatible. Other modern browsers like Chrome and Firefox may be used.

KSURSSystem Available

Software Requirements

  • Supported browsers for KSURS are Chrome and Microsoft Edge; KSURS will not work with Internet Explorer.

WellSky HSSystem Available

Software Requirements

  • Supported browsers for WellSky HS are Chrome and Microsoft Edge; will not work with Internet Explorer.

Employee Remote Access to Outlook Email

Note: All of KDADS staff have been migrated to the new Office 365 Outlook as of July 8, 2016. There is now only one link to access your e-mail through the Office 365 web portal.

Update any bookmarks you may have made regarding the old Outlook address to this new address for future use.



KDADS Applications Help Desk
Monday - Friday, 7 am - 5 pm CST
785-296-4987 - Option 1