Evidence-Based Practice: Fidelity

Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) have been identified by rigorous research and have very specific fidelity measures that must be accomplished in order to continue to be considered an EBP. Fidelity is a term used in the EBP field to represent a practice, specific procedure, or construct.

In the six EBPs currently available with tool kits (Illness Self-Management and Recovery, Medication Algorithms, Assertive Community Treatment, Supported Employment, Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment, Family Psycho-education) fidelities for both the direct service practitioner and the administrative organization are identified. These fidelity measures must be incorporated, practiced, and measured within the organization to produce the intended results. Research has demonstrated that higher levels of fidelity are related to better outcomes.

Evidence-based thinking reflects an approach that attempts to ensure that treatment works. Chosen interventions utilize research that links the specific intervention with the desired outcome/s. In order to practice this approach to treatment planning one must take into consideration the desire of the consumer, the efficacy and effectiveness of the possible interventions, skills of the practitioner and administrative organization of the agency.

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)

Individual Placement and Support (IPS)

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)