SHIP Volunteer Risk and Program Management Policies (VRPM)

Beginning in April 2017, the implementation of the VRPM is a required component of all SHIP program grants. The Administration for Community Living (ACL) feels that VRPM is a key requirement for SHIP's continued growth and effective operation.

The VRPM is not a criticism of how we have been doing things. Experience indicates that SHIP programs have successfully engaged and retained volunteers. Despite that, we all know that there is room for improvement; we all know areas where we are not doing the best job we could, and we should recognize that this is a great opportunity to improve. You probably have some ideas yourself.

The VRPM policies are designed for volunteers and paid staff. For staff, they guide how to handle volunteer performance issues better and provide written backup for correcting unsatisfactory behavior. Volunteers give better guidance on what’s expected and guarantee respectful treatment.

All SHICK counselors should familiarize themselves with the VRPM, downloadable below. If you have questions about the VRPM or need clarification, please contact your local SHICK Coordinator or the State SHICK Office.

