Kansas Problem Gambling

Coalitions and Task Forces

Kansas Gambling Survey

This report presents results from the 2017 Kansas Gambling Survey, which was administered using a
stratified random sample of households throughout the State of Kansas in September, 2017. This survey is
a follow-up to a statewide survey conducted in 2012 to assess gambling prevalence, type, and frequency,
myths, perception, and public opinion about gambling, and awareness of problem gambling treatment.

2017 Kansas Gambling Survey Report

Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen (BBGS)

Information provided here is from the Cambridge Health Alliance Readiness for Gambling Expansion (CHARGE) Division on Addiction.

About the Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen (BBGS)


Brief screens can help people decide whether to seek formal evaluation of their gambling behavior. The 3-item BBGS1 is based on the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) criteria for gambling disorder.


A “yes” response to any single item indicates potential gambling-related problems and the need for additional evaluation.


To screen for potential gambling-related problems, please take the questionnaire.

Problem Gambling Helpline Logo 

  • What is Gambling Disorder?

  • Why Screen for Gambling Disorder?

  • Who Should Screen for Gambling Disorder?

  • What Should Happen at Gambling Disorder Screening?