Services can be provided to individuals being served in outpatient and intensive outpatient services in their facility. Facilities providing those services must be client accessible on a 24/7 basis with a licensed addiction counselor or a licensed clinical addiction counselor trained in crisis management /intervention skills. Timely response is essential in providing crisis intervention services. Services would follow the established principles of crisis management:
- providing reassurance and support;
- evaluating the nature of the problem and determining the patient's mental, psychiatric, suicidal or homicidal, and medical statuses;
- ensuring the safety of the patient and others;
- assisting the patient in developing an action plan that minimizes distress, and obtaining patient commitment to the plan; and
- following up with the patient and other relevant persons to ensure follow-through, assess progress, and provide additional assistance and support.
Medication or referral for psychiatric or psychological counseling may be necessary for patients with continuing problems. (
Am Fam Physician 2006;74:1159-64, 1165-66. Copyright © 2006 American Academy of Family Physicians.)