The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) is responsible for the administration of
Larned State Hospital and
Osawatomie State Hospital for Kansans suffering from mental illness and for the
Kansas Neurological Institute and
Parsons State Hospital and Training Center for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The 2023 Legislature adopted two laws that direct KDADS to reimburse for costs related to delays in admission to Larned State Hospital or Osawatomie State Hospital. The two laws are SB 228 and a budget proviso in HB 2184.
SB 228 directs KDADS to reimburse counties for costs related to holding a person in custody while awaiting examination, evaluation, or treatment to restore competency to stand trial. Counties can be reimbursed $100 per day for the time between requesting a competency evaluation and when that defendant is taken from confinement, or the evaluation is completed in the county. That amount also is applied to days between when the defendant is returned to the county to await being transported to receive competency treatment or the treatment is completed in the county. The bill directs KDADS to develop a quarterly payment process. Counties can submit costs for defendants held back to July 1, 2022.
A video describing KDADS’ proposed process can be found below.
The Reimbursement Form for counties is in the resources area below titled SB 228 Reimbursement Form. KDADS will make available a reimbursement form for expenses. The form asked for information about the responsible county, contacts at the county requesting payment, the name of defendants being housed, whether they are a 3302 (competency evaluation) or 3303 (competency restoration) case, criminal case number, the date ordered to the appropriate competency status, and the date transported to a state hospital or when services were completed.
If a county is not registered in the State of Kansas accounting system called SMART, the forms to become enrolled are below. A county that is not currently in the SMART system needs to fill out the DA-130 form and provide a completed W-9 form for payment.
For additional information or questions, email [email protected] or Scott Brunner or Carmen Gray.
Corresponding Forms & Instructions
KDADS Competency Wait Time SB 228 Instructions
SB 228 Reimbursement Form
Blank W-9
KDADS Webinar on Competency Wait Time Reimbursement
HB 2184 directs KDADS to reimburse healthcare providers, law enforcement, and other county entities for unpaid costs of patient observation and transportation for individual waiting for admission to Larned State Hospital, Osawatomie State Hospital, or a State Intuition Alternative (SIA) hospital. This applies only to individual involuntarily committed under the Kansas Care and Treatment Act as being a risk to themselves or others.
KDADS will provide two reimbursement forms for expenses. One form is specifically for law enforcement organizations to use when requesting reimbursement for observation times for patients in protective or emergency custody. The other form is for health care providers, like hospitals, or other county organizations that may hold a potential state hospital patient while awaiting admission to a state hospital or SIA. That form will include information about the requesting entity, address, a responsible party at the entity completing the form, the name of individuals being observed, the date ordered to a state hospital for placement, and the date transported or admitted.
The form will calculate the requested reimbursement based on subtracting the order date from the transport, evaluation or treatment completion date and multiplying the result by $40 per hour.
Entities could also submit a spreadsheet or report from their information systems depicting the same information requested on the KDADS form to substantiate a claim for reimbursement.
Requesting entities can also use the form to request reimbursement for the cost of transporting patients to Larned State Hospital, Osawatomie State Hospital, or a State Institutional Alternative hospital during the fiscal quarter. The staff time for the transportation can be included on the first part of the form. The second part of the form calculates transportation costs at $0.655 per mile for the round trip from the entity to the state hospital or SIA hospital admitting the patient or a lump sum cost for the transport through a contracted or secure transportation vendor. KDADS will pay up to the actual cost for the transportation to the admitting hospital.
Corresponding Forms & Instructions
Law Enforcement Care and Treatment Reimbursement and Transportation Form
Care and Treatment Reimbursement and Transportation Calculation
KDADS Involuntary Patient Observation Reimbursement Healthcare Training
KDADS Involuntary Patient Observation Reimbursement LEO Training
Blank W-9