Supported Housing
Supported Housing refers to a set of practices that help consumers achieve independent living in integrated settings. The provision of consumer choice on housing arrangements is a key element, along with adequate case management supports which match what the consumer needs. This approach includes:
- The development of housing goals, and options appropriate to the goal;
- Case management practices that encourage and support full community integration;
- Agency practices that increase financial resources and housing subsidies for clients;
- Agencies informing consumers about legal rights, obligations and about being a good tenant;
- A separation of services from housing;
- Other agency supports as necessary (i.e., attendant care, in-home medication assistance, crisis services, psychosocial rehabilitation in the home, and case management services); and
- Services provided in the community or home.
Supported Education
Supported Education assists people with psychiatric disabilities to achieve educational goals in post-secondary, vocational school/training or obtaining their GED. This model of service provides assistance in obtaining financial resources for school, enrolling in school, and support to achieve a degree or certificate. Supported Education Services include:
- A commitment by the mental health center to promote the pursuit of educational goals for people with psychiatric disabilities;
- Connection and relationships with academic institutions;
- Zero exclusion into the program;
- Supported education services are based on consumer preferences;
- Individualized enrollment assistance; and
- Individualized educational supports such as academic accommodations, tutoring, peer support, and ongoing assistance with financial aid.