PEAK: Quality Improvement through Person-Centered Care

PEAK LogoKState

The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) is committed to ensuring high-quality services for Kansas nursing home residents. For nearly 20 years, KDADS has been recognizing nursing homes for successfully implementing person-centered care, commonly known as Promoting Excellent Alternatives in Kansas, or PEAK. From the beginning of PEAK, KDADS pursued two primary goals:

  1. To award and recognize homes accomplishing significant culture change; and
  2. To educate others about the culture change movement and the accomplishments being made in Kansas.

Beginning in 2012, PEAK expanded from a recognition program to a pay-for-performance Medicaid program in an effort to speed up the rate of adoption of person-centered care practices in Kansas nursing homes. The program had an overwhelming response, with 125 homes enrolling in PEAK 2.0 the first year. It was then that KDADS arranged a partnership with the Kansas State University (KSU) Center on Aging to administer the program.

KDADS continues to manage payment of incentives earned, but the KSU Center on Aging handles program administration including application, education and evaluation. Please visit the KSU Center on Aging website to learn more about the program.

For further information on the program contact: Trescia Power or the PEAK Team at

Please Note: There is a new address for contacting KSU PEAK:

2024 Person-Centered Care Conference

Elevate and Celebrate: Nobody Left Behind

October 9th, 2024
Manhattan, KS

Registration for the 2024 Annual Person-Centered Care Conference is Open!

All skilled nursing facility staff are invited and welcome to attend!

Information on sessions and the registration can be found here:

Staff Appreciation Card 2024 PEAK Conference

New this year:

  • Staff Appreciation
    Attached is a "Staff Appreciation" card to print and share with residents. The purpose is to empower residents and family to voice their appreciation of team members. Please take a picture of the resident giving their completed card to the staff (with their permission).Cards and photos will be displayed at the conference.

    As a suggestion, facilities could have “Appreciation Stations” set up in several living areas with blank forms and instructions.

  •  Resident Art Submissions
    To highlight October being Resident’s Rights Month with “The Power of Voice” as this year’s theme, residents can submit poetry, art, music, songs, photography, etc.

    Please request residents submit art that expresses the theme "The Power of Voice."With permission, please either submit or bring the physical projects to the conference to display at the Resident's Rights display table.

 Please submit appreciation cards, pictures, and art by Friday, Oct. 4th to:

 We are looking forward to celebrating amazing team members and the talent of our spectacular residents.

 ~Peak Project Team~

Hotel Discount Information

Holiday Inn at the Campus - $99.95
  •  Call for reservation and let them know you are booking with the PCC COnferece discount
  • Expires 9.23.2024
 Bluemont Hotel - $106
  •  Making a reservation by phone:
    • Call the hotel at 785-473-7091, press "0"
    • Let them know you are making a reservation using the group code b951353
  • Making reservations online:
    • Go to
    • Click on the BOOK ONLINE button at the top of the page
    • On the top of the page, select "Check-in and Checkout Date"
    • To the right of the screen click "Have a group code?" and enter b951353 and click APPLY CODE (case sensitive)
    • You can now review available room types, group pricing, and make your reservation
    • Expires 9.23.2024

Kansas PEAK Advisory Team

The Advisory Team shall council KDADS leadership in championing person-centered care and provide guidance regarding specific PEAK-related issues while providing suggestions to promote a continually improving program.

Update on SFY24 PEAK Advisory Members

The PEAK Advisory Board for SFY24-25 has been seated and we have many fresh, wise voices joining us this year. The summer months will be spent on planning the 2024 Person Centered Care Conference to be held on October 9, 2024. The rest of the year will focus on goal setting and subcommittees will be formed to make recommendations and work on implementation.

PEAK Award Winners 2023

KDADS' PEAK 2.0 Program recognizes 15 Kansas Adult Care Homes for excellence in providing person-centered care 10.17.23

Person-Centered Home - Level 6
Sustained Person-Centered Care Homes - Level 7
Mentor Homes - Level 8