SHICK Initial Training Requirements

SHICK Counselor/Volunteer Application Process

Please following the instructions and information in the list below to learn more about becoming a SHICK counselor/volunteer. Click on the blue hyperlinks for more information.

  1. Learn more about the SHICK, SMP and MIPPA programs by viewing program websites
  2. Complete a SHICK Volunteer Partner Application (required for all applicants for initial training)
  3. Complete the application and return to the local SHICK coordinator (find your local coordinator)
  4. Coordinator will schedule and conduct an interview for suitability

After a Successful Interview

  • Coordinator forwards the application to the State SHICK office.
  • Coordinator provides information on the online Pre-Training below.
    1. Pre-Training study should begin immediately.
    2. Applicant can also register for Session 1 and Session 2 prior to completing the pre-training
  • The State SHICK emails the documents necessary to conduct a background check to the applicant.
    • Applicant completes the required background check forms and emails all required forms to, or
    • Faxes required forms to (785) 296-0256, Attn SHICK Medicare Coordinator, or
    • Mails the background check paperwork to the State SHICK office, 503 S Kansas Ave, Topeka, KS 66603.
    • Applicant does not need to wait for notification of the background check completion to begin Pre-Training courses.
  • State office performs background check. This process may take up to two months.
    • Sponsoring organization and applicant are notified of results.
  • Applicant completes online Pre-Training and registers for two 5-hour in-person (face-to-face or videoconference) - Session 1 Initial Training and Session 2 Initial Training
  • Once all training is completed, applicant will be certified as a Medicare Grants counselor
  • The new counselor should work with their local Coordinator for mentoring and to begin solo counseling with Medicare beneficiaries.

Counselor Initial Training Instructions

Pre-Training Requirements

Online pre-training consists of online training through the SHIP Technical Assistance Center and the SMP Resource Center. Registration for both websites is required.

Applicants may also find the SHICK Counselor Handbook helpful while studying the pre-training courses. It is available as a PDF at the SHICK Counselor Information and Resource Page.

SHIP Technical Assistance Center Training Courses

Counselors will complete the online video courses listed below through the Courses link on the SHIP TA Center Online Counselor Certification Tool (OCCT). The "Test Your Knowledge" quiz must be completed after each course. A passing score is 80%. Applicants do not need a perfect score to pass.

Important Note: Pre-training requirements do not include all video courses found on the SHIP TA Center. Only the courses listed below and on the SHICK Pre-Training Tracking Worksheet are required.

Level Course Title Seat Time
Level 1: Medicare Basics Course 1: Health Insurance Terms 35
Level 1: Medicare Basics Course 2: Medicare Overview 25
Level 1: Medicare Basics Course 3: Medicare Options 30
Level 1: Medicare Basics Course 4: Enrollment Periods 30
Level 2: Medicare Coverage Rules Course 1: Part A (Hospital Insurance) 30
Level 2: Medicare Coverage Rules Course 2: Part B (Medical Insurance) 30
Level 2: Medicare Coverage Rules Course 3: Part D (Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit) 45
Level 2: Medicare Coverage Rules Course 4: Medigap Plans (Supplemental Insurance) 35
Level 2: Medicare Coverage Rules Course 5: Medicare Advantage Plans 50
Level 3: Appeals and Penalties Course 4: Enrollment Penalties and IRMAA 45
Level 4: Other Insurance and Assistance Programs Course 1: Medicare and Employer Insurance 35
Level 4: Other Insurance and Assistance Programs Course 2: Medicare and Other Insurances 25
Level 4: Other Insurance and Assistance Programs Course 3: Medicare and Medicaid 45
Level 4: Other Insurance and Assistance Programs Course 4: Medicare Assistance Programs 35
Special Topics Privacy and Confidentiality 35
SMP Foundations Training (for SHIP Counselors) through the SMP Resource Center 90 including assessment

Please download the Pre-Training Tracking Worksheet available here or below to help track your progress on the required pre-training courses.

SMP Foundations Training (for SHIP Counselors)

Complete after completing the Medicare training on the SHIP TA Center

This SMP Foundations Training Curriculum is specifically for SHIP-trained team members who have already received training on Medicare basics. This training provides a foundation of knowledge in two main content areas: the SMP program and Medicare fraud, errors, and abuse. Participants should allow approximately 1.5 hours to complete the entire online course.

In-Person Initial Training

Once all required pre-training courses have been certified, the new applicant is required to attend two scheduled training sessions, either in-person on-site at a selected location or via videoconferencing individually at their home or office.

These in-person Initial Training Courses will be conducted on two nonconsecutive days, with a 5-hour in-person session each day.

  • Session 1 SHICK Initial Training - Medicare Basics
  • Session 2 SHICK Initial Training - Program Basics

If all pre-training courses are not completed prior to the applicant's scheduled in-person training, the applicant will not be eligible to attend the final in-person trainings.

The GY2024 training schedule and registration will be available at the SHICK Annual Training Calendar. Select your desired date/location and register for your training dates.


Ship Technical Assistance Center Registration

To register on the SHIP Technical Assistance Center (SHIP TA Center):

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the green Submit request to be a Registered User box.
  3. Complete the required information on the Account Sign-up page and click the register box at the bottom.
    1. Select "SHIP Trainee" as your Role.
  4. You will receive an email at the email address you entered to confirm that it is a working email.
    1. You must confirm your email address through the link provided in the message.
  5. Once you have confirmed your email address, the State SHICK Office will approve your registration. You may begin viewing the video courses through the Training And Certification (OCCT) immediately .

(Registration on the SHIP Technical Assistance Center is available only for SHIP Counselors and SHIP Trainee counselors.)

SMP Resource Center Registration - SMP Foundations Training

SMP Foundations training is accessed through the TRAX training system in the SMP Resource Library. Users must create an account by going to

  1. Click on the "Create an account" link under "Not a Member?".
  2. Click the "Become a Trainee" button.
  3. Complete the registration form. Fields marked in red are required.
  4. Your email address will become your username.
  5. Enter this information for these specific fields
    1. Organization: * (Enter “Kansas”)
    2. Supervisor Name: * (Enter your supervisor or coordinator)
    3. SMP Role: * (Select “Counselor”)
    4. Paid Status: * (Select either “In-kind/Partner” if you will be counseling as part of your paid position or “Volunteer” if you will not be counseling as part of a paid position)
    5. State/Territory: * (Select “Kansas”)
    6. Include your address, city, state, and zip code.

Your account will be automatically created. SHICK/SMP staff will assign the SMP Foundations (For SHIP Counselors) curriculum to your account for completion. You will not be able to complete SMP Foundations training until the training has been assigned to you.

Note: If you select “Sign Up for Resource Library Access”, your account will not be automatically created. It requires approval. The Director, at approval, will select the access level: Trainee, Associate, or Coordinator.

Completing the SMP Foundations (for SHIP Counselors) Training

  1. After logging in at, you will be on the Welcome to TRAX page
  2. Click on the “Take my Training” button at the bottom of the page
  3. Your assigned training will display on the next page.
  4. You may find other training curriculums automatically assigned that provide assistance using the SMP Resource Center and TRAX training, in addition to the SMP Foundations for SHIP Counselors. These other are not required, but may provide insight when using the TRAX system.
  5. You should review all assigned chapters of the SMP Foundations for SHIP Counselors. Again, this training should not be completed before you complete the Medicare training on the SHIP TA Center.
  6. You will need to complete the SMP Foundations Assessment.
  7. The SMP Foundations manual is available as a PDF document to download.

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