Supplemental Online Training

Supplemental Online Training offers a variety of topics that, while not required, are intended to add to the knowledge base for all service providers.

All online training is located on the Kansas Train Learning Management System. Create your account within this system, log in, and then use the Course ID listed below to select the desired course.

Kansas Train has a dashboard that will give you an overview of the training you have taken, the status of that training, the course certificates, and other account information.

Launch Online Training

Will open a new window to the Kansas Train Learning Management System at

Recommended for CBS Providers

Kansas Train Course ID Training Course Description
1067395 Can't vs. Won't: Working with Challenging Behaviors
1067396 CBS in Schools
1067397 Community-Based Services Series Part 1 of 11 - Parent Support and Training
1067398 Community-Based Services Series Part 2 of 11 - Overview of Respite Care
1067399 Community-Based Services Series Part 3 of 11 - Attendant Care
1067400 Community-Based Services Series Part 4 of 11 - Overview of Independent Living - Skill Building
1067401 Community-Based Services Series Part 5 of 11 - Wraparound Facilitation
1067402 Community-Based Services Series Part 6 of 11 - Professional Resource Family Care
1067403 Community-Based Services Series Part 7 of 11 - Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment
1067404 Community-Based Services Series Part 8 of 11 - Overview of Crisis Intervention
1067405 Community-Based Services Series Part 9 of 11 - Peer Support
1067406 Community-Based Services Series Part 10 of 11 - Psychosocial Rehabilitation
1067407 Community-Based Services Series Part 11 of 11 - Targeted Case Management
1067408 Determination of SED Eligibility
1067411 Four Core Values
1067412 Guide to the Behavior Toolbox
1067414 Managing Behaviors
1065744 Plan of Care
1065746 Strengths and Needs
1065748 The Treatment Team
1067413 Home and Community Based Services Waivers

Recommended For Both CBS & CSS Providers

Kansas Train Course ID Training Course Description
1067409 Employment Support
1067410 Ethics FY 2017
1067415 Medicaid for Behavioral Health Providers
1067416 Understanding Diagnosis
1067417 Understanding Medication
1067293 Motivational Interviewing