Required CBS / CSS Training

All online training is located on the Kansas Train Learning Management System. Create your account within this system, log in, and then use the Course ID listed below to select the desired course.

Kansas Train has a dashboard that will give you an overview of the training you have taken, the status of that training, the course certificates, and other account information.

Launch Online Training

Step 1: Complete Population Training

Required: The course(s) for the population(s) you serve. Select one or both.

Kansas Train Course ID Training Course Details Requirement
1065484 Basics of Community Based Services for Youth You must complete Basics of Community Based Services for Youth before accessing the service training. To provide services for adults, you must also complete the Basics of Community Support Services for Adults Training below.
1065735 Basics of Community Support Services for Adults You must complete Basics of Community Support Services for Adults before accessing the service training. If you are providing services for youth, you must also complete the Basics of Community-Based Services for Youth Training above.

Step 2: Complete CBS - CSS Core Training

Required: All eight courses within the Core Training.

Completing one of the Population Trainings above is required before accessing the CBS - CSS Core Online Training. Providers will have access to the Service Specific Training(s) in Step 3 below once the CBS – CSS Core Online Training has been completed.

Kansas Train Course ID Training Course Details
1065727 CBS - CSS Core Part 1/8 - Service Definitions
1065728 CBS - CSS Core Part 2/8 - Professionalism for CBS-CSS Services
1065729 CBS - CSS Core Part 3/8 - Medicaid for Behavioral Health Providers
1065730 CBS - CSS Core Part 4/8 - Treatment Planning for CBS-CSS Services
1065731 CBS - CSS Core Part 5/8 - Documentation of Medicaid Services
1065732 CBS - CSS Core Part 6/8 - Cultural Awareness
1065733 CBS - CSS Core Part 7/8 - Ethics for CBS-CSS
1065734 CBS - CSS Core Part 8/8 - Basic Safety

Step 3: Complete Service Specific Training

Prerequisites: Completion of:

  • One of the Population Trainings above in Step 1:
    • Basics of Community Support Services for Adults
    • Basics of Community Support Services for Youth
  • CBS - CSS Core Online Training above in Step 2
Kansas Train Course ID Rehabilitation Services Training Course Details
1066875 Attendant Care (AC)
1065740 Community Psychiatric Support & Treatment (CPST)
1066887 Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PR)
1066889 Targeted Case Management (TCM)
1066876 Coordination of Care (CC)
Licensed providers from health care fields, such as Nursing and Medicine, are exempted from the requirement to complete the TCM Coordination of Care course.
Kansas Train Course ID Waiver Services Training Course Details
1066875 Attendant Care (AC)
1066877 Independent Living / Skills Building (IL/SB)
1066885 Parent Support & Training (PST)
1066886 Professional Resource Family Care (PRFC)
1066888 Short-Term Respite Care (RC)
1066890 Wraparound Facilitation (WAF) Part 1/5 - Providing Wraparound Facilitation
1067289 Wraparound Facilitation (WAF) Part 2/5 - Structure of the Wraparound Team
1067290 Wraparound Facilitation (WAF) Part 3/5 - Facilitating the Wraparound Meeting
1067291 Wraparound Facilitation (WAF) Part 4/5 - Managing Post Meeting Duties
1067292 Wraparound Facilitation (WAF) Part 5/5 - Closing Waiver Services

Other Required Trainings

Training completion is required but is not part of the 3-step procedure above. See Training Requirements.

Kansas Train Course ID Training Course Details
1066876 Coordination of Care (CC)
Licensed providers from health care fields, such as Nursing and Medicine, are exempted from the requirement to complete the TCM Coordination of Care course.
1065738 Crisis Intervention (CI)
This training must be completed before billing crisis services.
1066878 Mental Health Screeners (MHS) Part 1/7 - Training Overview
1066879 Mental Health Screeners (MHS) Part 2/7 - Introduction and Background
1066880 Mental Health Screeners (MHS) Part 3/7 - Role of the Mental Health Screener
1066881 Mental Health Screeners (MHS) Part 4/7 - Role of State Hospitals / Alternatives Youth
1066882 Mental Health Screeners (MHS) Part 5/7 - Community and Inpatient Diversion Options
1066883 Mental Health Screeners (MHS) Part 6/7 - Mental Health Screening Form/Admission Screen
1066884 Mental Health Screeners (MHS) Part 7/7 - Resource Center