Community Behavior Supports (CBS) and Community Supports and Services (CSS)

CBS and CSS Medicaid Mental Health Service Provider's Checklist

To comply with the state, service providers must complete the training associated with each service to be delivered. Training must also be completed within the timeframe.

Follow the step-by-step process below to complete the necessary training.

1. Check Requirements

Training requirements are specifically detailed by service. Locate the service to be delivered and the associated training you must complete within the timeframe.

2. Complete Required Training(s)

Most service requirements will be satisfied by completing the online training. However, some services have event training or other requirements that must be completed.

Online Training

Complete the online training(s) associated with the service(s) to be delivered. Completion must be within the timeframe.

  • Complete Population Training (CBS and/or CSS)
  • Complete CBS - CSS Core Online Training
  • Complete Service Specific Training(s)

CBS Online Training

3. Verify Compliance

Please note that if you provide more than one service, you must complete the training requirements for each service.